Aug 3, 2023Liked by Rebecca Faulks

You’re a good writer even when you don’t have anything to write about. ❤️ Good question at the end.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Rebecca Faulks

I know my friend is good at something when even their “faking it” is worth beholding—girl, you have a God-given gift. :)

Thanks for sharing these inner thoughts. A vocal coach of mine used to use the phrase “notice what you notice” which reminds me of “paying attention to what we pay attention to”.

For myself, I’ve been noticing how the verse from Rom 3: “does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God? By no means!” can speak to those moments wherein I realize my own faithlessness, or the faithlessness of others. It gives me incredible hope to cling onto instead of despair.

Also, I’ve been noticing that time spent outside daily is a tonic to many modern ailments—restlessness, achy back, bad sleep schedule, bad mood… it’s something to prioritize and protect!

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I love that phrase too: "notice what you notice." Thank you for sharing! And absolutely YES to the importance of spending time outside.

Thank you for such a thoughtful comment :)

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This is a beautiful call to pay attention to where your attention is going. 🤍 gives me something to think about this morning!

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I'm glad to hear it! Thanks for reading :)

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