Sep 21Liked by Rebecca Faulks

Ah thank you for this post and the reminder that we have a Hound of Heaven.

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Thank you for this image of the owl and for your faithful encouragement. Yes to creative community, even states away 🧡

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Sep 21Liked by Rebecca Faulks

In one year, adjacent grief leveled me. A year ago July I sat at the side of my nephew as he passed with my sis snd bil. I thought their grief snd my grief would drown me . A year later sat at the side of my bil as joined his son in eternity. I don't know how to love my sister - whose birthday is this week. All of us hurt.

I cry a lot. I have found church to be tedious, my hikes give me glimpses- like the owl- but its going to be a while.

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My heart goes out to you, trisha. Grief is weird, full of ebbs and flows. After I lost my nephew five years ago it brought me great comfort to realize that because of lament I never had to be "over it." The reality is that until all things are made new, until every sad thing is made untrue, grief-- however dull or acute-- is warranted and welcome and right. May you find the tears of Christ mingling with yours.

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