You may have enough resources, but the Allender Center did a series on Spiritual Abuse several years back that was so clarifying for me. https://theallendercenter.org/2018/03/spiritual-abuse-1/

I think they’ve revisited the topic since, but it is helpful to define something carefully when it all feels so slippery and weaponized. It is heartbreaking and awful. I am so sorry for your experience, but grateful for your witness to God’s trustworthiness despite human failure.

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Yes, I've found their podcast helpful, along with several old episodes from the Everything Just Changed podcast. The interviews with Kyle Strobel and Dianne Langberg were especially good.

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I'm humbled and honored that my words have been helpful to you! Thank you for the affirmation, and I pray for your continued healing and offer praise for your continued faith in Jesus.

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Thank you, Ron. Grateful for your wisdom and your prayers.

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