You had me at the Rilke poem in the beginning, but ending with the Valley of Vision poem!? My HEART. Thank you for your honestly in this post, so very good.

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023Liked by Rebecca Faulks

"All of these people— so many of whom are powerless and voiceless— have been teaching me. I hope I am wise enough to listen, to follow their example, to reject the facade, to embrace my own poverty, and learn what it is to love."


(And, I can relate to the upbringing and college experience -- but for me, facing the magnitude of sin and suffering came in the form of working as a domestic violence CPS caseworker... Title 1 middle school teacher... and an academic enrichment non-profit in NYC. So I can empathize with the abrupt cynicism and frustration that inevitably comes. Praise God for his patience, mercy, and work in ourselves.)

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Yes girl. Wow. The world is a terrible, beautiful place. I’m glad for eyes to see both, and hope I’m seeing clearer and wiser as I keep trucking along.

I always enjoy interacting with you on here!

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Becca, I haven't talked with you in years but I wanted you to know that I read all your posts and love them! You prose is limpid and moving.

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Celina! That means so much! I am so glad to reconnect with you here 🥲

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